719-240-4930 or 719-240-4929 beth.firstchoice@gmail.com

What’s Your Problem?

Mar 23, 2023 | Uncategorized

You need to see what the problem is made of – before trying to solve it. So many restoration contractors, (and even marketers) tend to dive into the issue without considering what’s really needed. We’ve had contractors call us for equipment or supplies and often “shoot from the hip” without thinking through what they really need. We’re happy to sell you a LOT of equipment or just a couple pieces.

A perfect example is someone needing more air movers or dehu’s and just “winging it” – asking for some random amount of equipment. Little thought was given to what models or quantity they really needed – especially considering that need was during a mini-CAT, or even a hurricane.

Please don’t take this the wrong way – but we like to help a client out when they know exactly what they need – or at a minimum – discuss with us what the situation is, and then we can help solve the problem without selling you too much or sometimes worse – too little.

One of the big differences between First Choice and the “big boys” (major supply houses) is we aren’t motivated to ring up the big dollars each time. So many of those big boys have a huge monthly rent on their warehouse and many employees – all contributing to the need to charge a lot more and sell you even more than you need. Sure, they claim to have value-added services such as training and classes, but that may not be necessary when you need to buy equipment.

With our very low overhead and just a few quality people on staff, we can usually provide you with not only superb service, but also excellent prices on what you need. National supply houses may claim to buy huge quantities from the manufacturer, but there is a real cost associated the warehousing, and handling of that equipment.

Often, buying too much can take valuable resources (money) away from your cash reserves. Certainly the last thing you need is to be short on cash and not be able to make payroll. The “big boys” want paid right away, and suddenly you find that your other bills are delinquent. First Choice will work with you, and when it’s a major purchase, we have financial resources from third parties to help.

If you are local to Colorado, you might even consider renting some items from us. We have many pieces of equipment that can be rented at incredibly reasonable rates.

It’s important for you to remember that we sell NEW, Buy and Sell USED, and have supplies in quantities that make sense. All our USED equipment is completely checked and serviced as needed so you have confidence in the used equipment you buy from us.

And don’t forget, if you own trailer-mounted generators or desiccants, Wade is on staff to service machines making them able to properly work for you when you need them (often in the middle of the night)!

Authors Beth Hinton and D Wagner

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