719-240-4930 or 719-240-4929 beth.firstchoice@gmail.com

Welcome to First Choice Drying Equipment’s Blog

What kind of equipment should you buy? Should you buy new or used equipment? Find out how to sell used equipment, and what kind of repairs and maintenance to prioritize. First Choice will answer some of your burning questions and provide you with up-to-date information about the industry’s new technologies and trends. First Choice Drying Equipment provides tips, advice, and updated information about the restoration industry on this blog. We’ll also provide information about how to spot trouble with a water damage project and let you know how to order our drying equipment.
Maintenance After A CAT

Maintenance After A CAT

You had a very successful run during the Hurricane. So now what?  Aside from recouping your expenses, which I hope you have done, and aside from collecting all of your invoices, you used a lot of equipment for a few weeks. And they really did get used heavily during...

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Prepare Your Equipment for Winter

Prepare Your Equipment for Winter

By Beth Hinton Winter, Snow and Ice, and potential damage to your restoration equipment should be on the agenda if you live in the northern regions of the US. Below are several tips and suggestions to properly prepare your restoration and cleaning equipment for this...

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Doing Restoration Work Post Pandemic

Doing Restoration Work Post Pandemic

By Beth Hinton In case you didn’t realize it, doing restoration work today is uniquely different than it was before the Covid-19 scare. Our world has changed significantly since 2019 and we need to recognize that it’s no longer business as usual – like it was prior to...

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Why You Should Join Industry Organizations

Why You Should Join Industry Organizations

In many industries, there is a never-ending stream of rules, regulations, and continual changes happening. This is true of the restoration industry, which includes the fire, water, smoke, and floor-cleaning worlds. An individual company trying to keep up with all the...

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Are You Ready Contractors?

Are You Ready Contractors?

By Beth Hinton The Atlantic storm season has again arrived,  and we must remain vigilant in our preparations for a major storm event. With hurricane season lasting from June 1, 2022, to November 30, 2022, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is...

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The 3 S’s of Restoration Project Planning

The 3 S’s of Restoration Project Planning

By Beth Hinton The call just came in and the whole office kicks into high gear. It doesn’t matter if it happens once a day or once a week, when that phone rings and it’s a customer, or adjuster, or even a plumber needing help with their broken pipe or sewage backup,...

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