719-240-4930 or 719-240-4929 beth.firstchoice@gmail.com

Welcome to First Choice Drying Equipment’s Blog

What kind of equipment should you buy? Should you buy new or used equipment? Find out how to sell used equipment, and what kind of repairs and maintenance to prioritize. First Choice will answer some of your burning questions and provide you with up-to-date information about the industry’s new technologies and trends. First Choice Drying Equipment provides tips, advice, and updated information about the restoration industry on this blog. We’ll also provide information about how to spot trouble with a water damage project and let you know how to order our drying equipment.
Define The Problem First

Define The Problem First

Marketers often charge into a prospect’s office with a list of ‘problems’ they’re going to help them solve. The marketer has been conditioned to be a problem solver, so they tend to focus all their energy on how to fix whatever issue the prospect is having.  Even many...

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